Built by Public Health Specialists & Experts in Business Contingency Planning
Empathetic Response to Team’s Emotions
Provide Clarity & Focus
Maintain Company’s Reputation
Improve Team Morale
Reduce Stress & Fear
Promote Self-Care
Encourage Appropriate Social Distancing
Increase Workplace Safety
Remote and On-Location Policies
Company-Wide Preparation
Adopt Rapid Health Measures
Act With Compassion
The World is Facing a State of Crisis, Position Your Business To Mitigate The Impact As Much As Possible.
with staff, clients, and suppliers to clearly communicate contingency plans
to slow the spread of (Coronavirus) Covid-19 at work and home
Promote speedy individual and company-wide recovery if you or your team tests positive for COVID-19
Account for different scenarios impacting your business and team
and position your company and your team for the best possible outcomes
Normally this toolkit is $199, however, we are offering it for FREE based on our desire to make it immediately available to as many organizations as possible.
The value that you are gaining from this toolkit isn’t simply access to information, it is a comprehensive set of downloads, templates and checklists which allow you to focus your decision making process for the mental and physical health of your team. It is easy to use, removing hours of thinking-time, and is built from our dedication to providing you with the most relevant public health data, business insights, and strategic planning acumen.
This module part of a Multi Departments Business Contingency Course which has a Pay What You Can Model and enables the stronger companies to support the organizations who are facing more hardship and ensure that our business communities and workforces have the help they need in these challenging times. Learn more about the complete toolkit.