
First off, Happy New Year! Now, with all the Auld Lang Syne and 2017 pleasantries out of the way, let’s get down to adding some real value to this coming year.

We live in an uncertain era – a world full of chaos, tough obstacles, and even tougher decisions. This is not a “once upon a time” situation. Life is tough, every day. When we start accepting that, things will look a whole lot brighter at the end of it.

Over the last 21 years of building a global business, I have been fortunate enough to have had lots of great advice, amazing mentors, and attended the University of Life’s Hard Knocks more often than I’d like.

So, I want to start this year off by sharing some of the things I, my friends, peers, and colleagues have felt helped us. Here is some insight that I hope will resonate or at least start a conversation.

First, I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions; mainly hot air and some short term, half-assed attempts. I DO believe that a few small actions can make a huge difference:

And some incredibly insightful books I highly recommend:

Some of the best inspiration I’ve had over the past few months has come from these books, which include:

Live in the present, and never let your past, your fears, or your self-doubt dictate what you do, or who you are.

This is not about preaching how great I think I am, or trying to convince you to use The ELEVATE Group. This is about giving back, cutting the BS, and focusing on honesty, straight talking, and collaboration.

I truly believe that one of the greatest things we can do is share what we’ve learned with others, and I’m looking forward to sharing as much as I can with you as we go through 2017 and beyond.

It is our actions that inspire others, and our actions that define us.

Let me know what you think! Any feedback is good feedback as far as I’m concerned. Feel free to leave a comment below, or reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

I look forward to some interesting discussions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row parallax_image=”” columns_type=”default” section=”” full_screen=”” vertical_centering=”” full_width=”” full_height=”” background=”” bg_color_info=”” img=”” parallax=”” parallax_bg_width=”110″ parallax_reverse=”” video=”” bg_type=”” parallax_style=”” bg_image_new=”” layer_image=”” bg_image_repeat=”” bg_image_size=”” bg_cstm_size=”” bg_img_attach=”” parallax_sense=”” bg_image_posiiton=”” animation_direction=”” animation_repeat=”” video_url=”” video_url_2=”” u_video_url=”” video_opts=”” video_poster=”” u_start_time=”” u_stop_time=”” viewport_vdo=”” enable_controls=”” bg_override=”” disable_on_mobile_img_parallax=”” parallax_content=”” parallax_content_sense=”” fadeout_row=”” fadeout_start_effect=”” enable_overlay=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_pattern=”” overlay_pattern_opacity=”” overlay_pattern_size=”” overlay_pattern_attachment=”” multi_color_overlay=”” multi_color_overlay_opacity=”” seperator_enable=”” seperator_type=”” seperator_position=”” seperator_shape_size=”” seperator_svg_height=”” seperator_shape_background=”” seperator_shape_border=”” seperator_shape_border_color=”” seperator_shape_border_width=”” icon_type=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_color=”” icon_style=”” icon_color_bg=”” icon_border_style=”” icon_color_border=”” icon_border_size=”” icon_border_radius=”” icon_border_spacing=”” icon_img=”” img_width=”” ult_hide_row=”” ult_hide_row_large_screen=”” ult_hide_row_desktop=”” ult_hide_row_tablet=”” ult_hide_row_tablet_small=”” ult_hide_row_mobile=”” ult_hide_row_mobile_large=””][/vc_row]