Inside Sales: To Outsource or Bring In-House, An Analytical Perspective

About 15 years ago, I started my move towards sales and marketing taking an inside sales position on contract at a start-up. It was fairly grass roots and a lot of prospecting involved. I didn’t do too bad and was successful enough to be offered a full-time position. At the time, I opt’d to move […]
Racing to Convert: Lead Response Times are Critical to a Successful Lead Qualification

I feel like everyone in sales and marketing are always talking about “generating leads” or “filling the top of the funnel” but very rarely are they looking inward to exam the strategy and process they have to execute. In fact, understanding the engagement flow of the lead can make or break a strategy of “filling […]
Build It or Buy It?

As a marketer, one of your primary goals is to fill the top of the funnel with prospect engagements. You will look to many channels to reach this goal but if you are focused on highly targeted marketing and aligning to your company sales goals, you are likely talking about an Account Based Marketing (ABM) […]
Is Big Data Just a Dream? One Leading Marketer Shares Her Journey

Big Data is a term used in almost every company these days but what does it really mean? I think it means different things to different people. As a marketer it means having the ability to learn more about your customers through online behavior. It means, to marketing, a way in which to accumulate information […]
If you want to change the world, start to make your bed every morning

Naval Admiral William H. McRaven offered advice for changing the world from his 36 years of experience as a Navy SEAL: Ask for help when you need it, respect everyone, persevere through failures and, perhaps surprisingly, make your bed every day!
2017 Goals In Front, Fears Behind

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] First off, Happy New Year! Now, with all the Auld Lang Syne and 2017 pleasantries out of the way, let’s get down to adding some real value to this coming year. We live in an uncertain era – a world full of chaos, tough obstacles, and even tougher decisions. This is not a “once […]
Marketing Mind Games

Click to Tweet this: Think you know the reality of connecting with prospects? Check out this cold hard truth in this infographic: [vc_button url=”” text=”Download this Infographic” size=”” align=”left” type=”secondary” outlined=”0″ icon=”” target=”_blank”]